California’s Cannabis Excise Tax Increase: What You Need to Know and How to Take Action
Updated Mar 23, 2025
Are you upset about the pending Cannabis Excise Tax Increase? Unless we act now, it will be 19% this July. California’s cannabis consumers and business owners are facing a significant challenge as the state plans to raise the cannabis excise tax from 15% to as much as 19% starting July 1, 2025. This increase could have a heavy impact on prices, accessibility, and the overall health of the legal cannabis market. It’s crucial for all stakeholders—consumers, customers, and business owners—to voice their concerns and take action.
Here’s What You Can Do to Prevent an Excise Tax Increase: Tell Your California Legislators YES on AB 564 (Haney)
AB 564, introduced by Assemblymember Matt Haney, aims to provide relief from the burdensome tax that continues to stifle the growth of California’s cannabis industry. This bill will help ensure that cannabis remains accessible and affordable for consumers while allowing businesses to thrive. Now is the time to make your voice heard!
Email Lobbying: Use Cal NORML’s Template to Send an Email in Support of AB 564
You can still make your voice heard by emailing your legislators about the California’s Cannabis Excise Tax Increase. Cal NORML has provided a helpful template that you can customize to express your support for AB 564. This is an easy and effective way to voice your opinion. Access the template here: [Cal NORML Email Template](
Another option is to email our local assembly member Damon Connolly to ask him to support AB 564 here:
For more information on AB 564 and its potential impact on the cannabis market, please visit: [AB 564 Information](
In-Person Lobbying to Combat Excise Tax Increase: We Headed up to Citizen Lobby Day on March 24th in Sacramento
One of the most effective ways to advocate for change for the California’s Cannabis Excise Tax Increase is through in-person lobbying. Our Founder and COO, Monica Gray, headed up to Sacramento to articulate our concerns and support for AB 564. Together, we can make a powerful impact. [Citizen Lobby Day Registration](

Final Thoughts
As consumers and business owners in California, we must unite to fight against the proposed Cannabis excise tax increase. The time to act is now! By participating in lobbying efforts, whether in person or through email, we can influence our legislators and advocate for a fairer taxation system that supports the growth and sustainability of California’s cannabis industry. Don’t let this opportunity pass—let your voice be heard!
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